Photo of Chick-fil-A at Battlefield Mall in the 80s. When I was a little toddler, my family opened a Deck the Walls store in Battlefield Mall, which meant we ate a lot of mall meals. I loved eating Chick-Fil-A in the mall food court with my grandpa, but had NO idea about sauces until I … Continue reading cafeteria



I have the most adorable nephew who is my best little buddy. Facebook reminded me recently that two years ago we got into a rhythm of storytelling. It would always start with “One day…” then he would say something that had to do with fishies, sharks, dinos or construction vehicles and then pass it over … Continue reading stories


“We went to this really great lunch presentation! You have to check out this book!” Rachel and Caroline, the North Cross Children’s Ministry and Youth Ministry directors, were absolutely giddy when they found the books Red Letter Challenge. Their joy and excitement was literally contagious. I remember looking at it and thinking, “That looks like … Continue reading light