who writes this stuff?

IMG_3840I am a self-professed Kingdom junkie, laugh-a-holic, Duke basketball obsessed, stubborn, ornery, orphan lovin’, coffee addicted, vodka drinkin’ Kingdom magnet and Jesus lover. That last part is really the most important. I have worked with students, led global mission for a suburban church, lived in Haiti where it was 140 degrees with humidity until God called me to work for Children’s HopeChest in Colorado for 3 years. At the end of 2019, God started a conversation with a church on the north side of Kansas City. That conversation was a clear affirmation that God was pulling me back into local church ministry in Kansas City. I began serving at North Cross UMC in mid-November as their Director of Adult Ministries.

I have a crazy God-sized story that absolutely fits in with what He has done in my life. From March of 2014 to August 2016, I worked for Global Orphan Project in Haiti as their Trips Manager. It fulfilled every single piece of scripture God breathed into me during Lent 2013 that I wrote in my blog post ‘Who Am I.’ I got to see the same kids in villages GO Project supports multiple times a month, and I got to lead people into places where the Holy Spirit explodes around them…all while working and supporting the local church of Haiti.

God has given each one of us abilities, and passions…mine fit perfectly together to lead others on mission trips, and share that passion with many others. I have been traveling to Russia since 2003 to visit my friends, who happen to be labeled ‘orphans.’ God sent me to Africa, and will again. He led me to a summer in China when I thought without a doubt that would never be any place I’d ever go. I spent time in Haiti in 2012 and 2013 before moving there, and was blessed immensely by the people and the culture. God has given me a passion of loving other cultures and not caring if I speak the language or am in the ‘comforts’ of the States.

This blog is dedicated to Kingdom related thoughts, whether it be theology, my version of what God is saying to me, combined with a healthy addition of what I have been reading from the multiple authors I am drawn to recently. It is especially for those interested in seeing God’s Kingdom built in this world, and the excitement that draws others to the heart of God through working towards God’s Kingdom being restored. I follow Jesus Christ, pretty much anywhere…and that will be through, around, under, over and everywhere else on these pages.

As for this place to express my thoughts…I will speak truth. I will write about things I am passionate about. I will tell stories about what God is doing. I will most likely cuss from time to time. I will be real. I hope you come along for the ride.

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