
Tonight as I finish my day, I am reminded the hearts that search for God in courageous ways, surrendering who they were and embracing who God has created them to be is an honest time for us to search the same in our own hearts and remember our journey. Where it is, where it was … Continue reading search


I am a huge lover of movies. I will watch anything except horror flicks, and I definitely do not enjoy all chick flicks. Some are just ridiculous. My favorites are action and comedy genres. The more action the better and more laughs are the best. Every now and then in the movies there is a … Continue reading near

community on mission

I saw a quote on Twitter, ‘Community is the byproduct of mission.’ I wonder how many would agree or disagree with that statement? Honestly…we’ve seen it both ways around Woods Chapel. There are groups of friends, small groups or even large groups that choose to do mission together. They are all from different backgrounds...doing Bible … Continue reading community on mission