
Sabbath. We don’t use that word very often, and more times than not we probably clump it in Christianese verbiage that most outside of the church don’t understand. We are bad about that verbiage. We desperately need to communicate the Gospel in a common vernacular. Sabbath: divinely set apart for rest and worship. Technically observed … Continue reading sabbath


Jesus wept.Tears. Just to double check I looked it up in the Hebrew dictionary…yep, actual tears. *Geek alert - maybe I should have led with that.*Also, shortest verse in the Bible. Mind blown? Good.And ironically (or not) it is found in the Gospel of John, which is the Gospel that has the most sent language … Continue reading tears


Sometimes I feel like Christianity is taking a nap…a super long, hibernation-type nap. And those of us that are not involved in hibernation are misunderstood by all of the extreme views that make it in the media, while our good stuff of helping the down and out goes on without notice. Think about how excited … Continue reading dream