story time

It’s no surprise that one of the things I miss most from being in the States is sitting down to a cup of coffee and telling stories with my friends. Usually, after getting back from Russia, I sit down telling the stories from our visit with the kids over coffee too many times to keep … Continue reading story time

change their story

For the last ten years I have given a lot of my life and love to children in Russia that are cast off into orphanages. What started as a willingness to follow God's pull to orphan ministry has become what is, and will be, a lifetime of fighting for orphans in our world...wherever God may … Continue reading change their story

community on mission

I saw a quote on Twitter, ‘Community is the byproduct of mission.’ I wonder how many would agree or disagree with that statement? Honestly…we’ve seen it both ways around Woods Chapel. There are groups of friends, small groups or even large groups that choose to do mission together. They are all from different backgrounds...doing Bible … Continue reading community on mission